BHA FPX 4104 Assessment 3 Communication Executive Summary

Analysis of the Data

According to Capella University (n.d.), the data came from a patient satisfaction survey
conducted after providing care services to patients in Metropolitan Health. Approximately 85%
of the people utilized Metropolitan Health for treatment purposes. Additionally, the patient
health outcomes are also used to analyze the data in the healthcare setting, providing appropriate
care to the people. The data can be used to identify the operational issue as it encompasses all
details related to the care process. The data help Metropolitan Health devise effective policies to
overcome patient challenges. The one issue is the patient having difficulty scheduling
appointments. Furthermore, other areas of the issue are the uncooperative behavior of the staff
and patient hesitancy to ask a questions of healthcare providers. These issues negatively affect
Metropolitan health as people receiving care would not recommend the healthcare to others,
which affects economic health. Additionally, the difficulty in making appointments prevented
people from using Metropolitan Health, and patient influx declined, leading to economic

Communication Best Practices

The best practices to improve patient satisfaction are effective communication and
patient-centered care. Effective communication encompasses simple language and active
listening (Kwame et al., 2021). Patient concerns will be addressed, which help them to
comprehend the care process. Clear communication also helps transfer data between the patient
and the healthcare provider (Ifrim et al., 2022). According to the survey, patients feel hesitant to

ask questions and complain that staff showed disrespectful behavior, which is an operational
issue (Capella University. n.d.). The potential solution is integrating a staff training program to
highlight the significance of patient-centered care as an appropriate strategy to enhance
communication between staff and patients (Dodge et al., 2019). Patient-centered care provides a
patient the opportunity to be involved in the care process and ask questions from providers
without any hesitation in Metropolitan Health (Engle et al., 2019).
The alternative process also offers incentives that motivate staff to deliver high-quality
care (Kitsios & Kamariotou, 2021). The staff addresses the patient's concern and responds
promptly and efficiently. The potential solution to appointment scheduling can be managed by
hiring staff to respond to patient queries through a call-back system and manage the
appointments (Matulis & McCoy, 2020). Using effective communication and PCC helps enhance
patient satisfaction in Metropolitan Health, eventually improving the organization's performance
(Engle et al., 2019).


The key stakeholders include patients, healthcare professionals, community members,
policymakers, and administrative personnel (Concannon et al., 2019). According to Capella
University. (n.d.), becoming the first choice of patients in Sunrise Region emphasizes
Metropolitan Health to address the stakeholders 's needs. The patient feels dissatisfied with the
care services as 60% of patients would not refer the healthcare facility to others. The
communication breakdown between patients and staff is one reason overcoming barriers through
enhancing communication improves patient satisfaction in Metropolitan Health.
The implications of not communicating with stakeholders will harm the organization. Not
addressing the patient's needs reduces patient volume, affecting Metropolitan Health's economic

health (Akinleye et al., 2019). Likewise, the lack of professionalism among healthcare staff
affects the organization's performance as the staff does not provide optimal patient care (Mula et
al., 2020). The low care hinders people from seeking care services from Metropolitan Health and
hampers the organization from achieving its mission. The unresponsive attitude and lack of
respect toward patients emphasize the organization's integration of staff training programs
(Geoffrion et al., 2020). The program improves the staff's professionalism and facilitates
Metropolitan Health to become a leading healthcare facility.

Communication Strategies

After analyzing the survey results, it was informed that patients had communication
breakdowns with staff, leading to patient dissatisfaction (Capella University, n.d.). There is a
need for improvement in communication to fulfill the vision of Metropolitan Health, which is
becoming the first choice of patients to seek care services. Active listening, simple, non-verbal
language and face-to-face transparent communication strategy will be used to communicate the
strategic vision of the healthcare setting to the stakeholders (Tennant et al., 2021). The approach
improves the two-way communication process and helps in understanding the perspective.
Implementing staff training and PCC helps foster the health communication plan in the Metropolitan
Health (Engle et al., 2019). Staff training emphasizes providing effective patient care and
addressing health concerns on priority.
Additionally, the health literacy assessment tools will be used to improve the health
literacy of stakeholders (Jawahar et al., 2023). The educational material enhances stakeholders'
knowledge and highlights the significance of appropriate care to improve health outcomes. The
communication plan will be evaluated by analyzing the different metrics, such as patient
satisfaction surveys, patient health outcomes, and staff turnover rate (Handley et al., 2020). The

data gathered through the survey help determine the efficacy of the communication plan and the
area of improvement to achieve the set goal (Pantaleon, 2019).

Conclusion BHA FPX 4104 Assessment 3 Communication Executive Summary

The patient satisfaction survey advised of three issues that needed to be addressed prior to
achieving their goal at Metropolitan Health. The inability to make an appointment, patient
reluctance to ask questions from healthcare providers, and the lack of staff professionalism
prevented the organization from delivering optimal care. Effective communication, patient-
centered care and staff training, and appointment scheduling management are the potential
solutions to improve the communication between patients and healthcare providers. The active
listening strategy and health literacy tools overcome the knowledge gap among patients and
smooth the communication process. The key stakeholders must be involved in the
communication plan to implement effective strategies to make Metropolitan Health the leading
healthcare provider and the preferable choice of patients to seek care services.


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